As the fastest growing metro in the country, 奥斯汀已经成为全美最具吸引力的家庭旅游目的地之一, 大公司, 和旅行. 德州中部及其食物深受世界各地文化和经验的影响. Each culture stirs its history into timeless Central 德州 cuisine, and there are always new interpretations on the horizon. 全球是本地的:与劳工组织获得铂金奖的全球商业联盟一起烹饪和学习将由劳工组织的全球顾问和劳工组织的全球大使组成. They will focus on ingredients such as the Prickly Pear Cactus and Peaches, as well as the ever-favorite 德州 Cowboy Chili. 加入Gulay Bozdag, Jefre取缔, 比尔博伊德, 雷吉娜·纳尔逊, Socar Chatmon-Thomas, 查理粘土, Sabine McCalla, 劳拉Pavanelli, 和克里斯汀·雷恩分享这些地方成分和奥斯汀丰富的当地社区, 德州.



Gulay Bozdag | ABoR 全球 Advisory Chair & 全球大使,土耳其 & 希腊

Gulay Bozdag was born in Turkey. 她周游世界并在国外学习,这使她对世界各地的商业往来有了真正的了解. 博兹达格与全球各地的代理商建立了良好的关系,并将其转化为一流的营销,使她的房源远远超出了美国职业足球大联盟. 她的教育程度超过了2021十大正规彩票app领域的大多数人,获得了研究生2021十大正规彩票app经纪人协会(GRI)的认证和指定。, 认证共管公寓专家, (CCS), Certificate Negotiation Expert (CNE), 认证国际物业专员(CIPS)和全球物业专员精英地位(GPS).


Jefre取缔 | ABoR 全球 Advisory Vice-Chair & 全球 Ambassador, 商业

Jefre取缔 is a global traveler who has roamed the streets of 107 countries. Having a passion for cultural diversity, Outlaw is known in the commercial real estate and sustainable homes industries. Negotiating multi-national sustainable home and real estate transactions, Outlaw’s clients enjoy his professionalism, 创造力, 还有脚踏实地的风格. HausFli于2019年为他的朋友们推出,他们希望在他们的后院放置一个附属住宅单元(ADU),此后扩展到提供在线课程,并为小型社区提供创建可持续发展的工具. A proponent of smart networking, he and his wife brought the UK-based global networking organization BobClubs.来德克萨斯. He and his family are currently living in Austin, 德州. Exuding optimism is a goal of his, 他真诚地相信,我们每个人都有能力成就伟大的事业.


比尔博伊德 | ABoR 全球 Advisory Past-Chair



雷吉娜·纳尔逊 | ABoR 全球 Ambassador, Spain

雷吉娜·纳尔逊 is a REALTOR® servicing Austin. 尼尔森是一名全球公民和认证国际2021十大正规彩票app专家(CIPS)。. She is fluent in French, Spanish, Haitian-Creole, and English. She holds a graduate degree in marketing. Nelson is known for her engaging personality, 注重细节, and professionalism when it comes to working with others. 她为帮助买家找到他们梦想中的家而感到自豪,她的卖家为他们的房子获得最好的报价和价格. 作为一名投资者, 尼尔森为她在收购国际和美国2021十大正规彩票app方面的分析和创造性方法感到自豪. She believes everyone deserves to know what it’s like to own their own home. Whether clients are looking to invest, 升级, 裁员, 取出股权, 或者搬到离工作更近的地方, 纳尔逊一直倡导在交易结束期间和交易结束后很长一段时间内持续增长.


Christine Wren | ABoR 全球 Liaison, Special Programs Lead

Christine Wren是一名市场营销和销售专业人士,拥有数十年的建设和领导项目的经验,这些项目通过建立全球联系来推动商业价值. As one of the core drivers of ABoR’s award-winning events and programming, Wren已将ABoR 全球建设成为该国发展最快的国际2021十大正规彩票app项目之一. 她的作品赢得了2019年, 以及2020年NAR全球白金成就奖和2019年德州 REALTORS®全球午餐年度教育计划奖 & 学习系列. 第一个, a licensed REALTOR® in Illinois starting in 1991, 然后从2015年开始在德克萨斯州, Wren对代理商的需求有着深刻的理解,并拥有多个行业指定, 包括她的CIPS和GREEN, as well as the C2EX endorsement.


Socar Chatmon-Thomas | ABoR 全球 Ambassador, Africa

Socar Chatmon-Thomas is a REALTOR®, R.E. 经纪人和拍卖师. As the Broker/Owner of Elegant Estates Realty & Auctions, she represents commercial and residential clients in Austin. 她的CIPS称号, 她与世界各地的其他CIPS设计师和2021十大正规彩票app专业人士建立了联系, thus creating a massive global referral network. 在德克萨斯州,Chatmon-Thomas也是认证的德克萨斯州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人®大学讲师. She has received several honors including the coveted Omega Tau Rho award, ABoR’s Community Service Award, the REALTOR® of the Year Award, 被提名为2019年奥斯汀年度教育家,最近被提名为德克萨斯州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人®年度讲师. 她是美国劳工组织的前任主席,目前担任代表德克萨斯州和路易斯安那州10区的NAR董事. 查特蒙-托马斯喜欢2021十大正规彩票app,对卓越的追求和对教育的追求一样热情.


查理粘土 | ABoR 全球 Advisor & 巴西全球大使

查理·克莱(查理粘土)在墨西哥上大学时爱上了德克萨斯州的奥斯汀. When Clay completed his studies, he joined Austin’s construction and remodeling industry, 从那以后,它帮助他分析了质量和运营成本的优劣. 克莱喜欢每一笔2021十大正规彩票app交易的独特性,并重视他在过去三十年中收集的行业知识. His ongoing education is the foundation of his success. Clay continues his education through classes, certifications, and designations. 他就读于德克萨斯大学圣安东尼奥分校的双文化双语系,并获得了英语作为第二语言教学的研究生证书. Clay serves as the 2021 ABoR 全球 Ambassador to Brazil. 他的国际客户名单包括来自印度、巴西、墨西哥和英国的居民. Clay is passionate about international travel and staying active. You can find him enjoying Austin’s hiking trails and music scene.


Sabine McCalla | ABoR 全球 Ambassador, Austin Sister Cities International

Coming from Germany to start a family with her 德州 husband, Sabine McCalla made the Lone Star State her home in 2012. Within a few weeks, they had to find the place that they’ve called home since. 她很乐意在旅途中帮助她的客户,就像德克萨斯州一样,有时会有暴风雨. 她发现新房子非常令人兴奋,并在这里与她的客户分享这种兴奋, but also to help them over bumps in the road. Speaking fluent German and English, 麦卡拉也很乐意帮助外籍人士在奥斯汀及周边地区安家. She knows how it feels to try and settle in coming from a different culture. 德克萨斯州人民的友好和这个州的美丽使她很容易把这里称为她的新家. McCalla’s goal is to make this transition just as easy for her clients.


劳拉Pavanelli | ABoR 全球 Ambassador, Italy

劳拉Pavanelli曾在丽思卡尔顿酒店和其他五星级酒店工作,这让她有机会学习如何为客户提供卓越的体验. 随着家族企业搬到伦敦,帕瓦内利在世界各地长大, UK, 巴黎, 法国和旧金山. 意大利语和法语流利,西班牙语和巴西葡萄牙语会话流利, Pavanelli has the ability to understand the international client, which creates an instant rapport when you work with her. Pavanelli的洞察力, 谈判技巧, 丰富的经验使她在任何2021十大正规彩票app交易中都是宝贵的资产. 她会寻找独特的机会,跳出固有的思维模式,为客户谋利益. She believes in giving back to the community, 支持并愿意学习奥斯汀的新事物,以及需要什么来增强这座美丽的城市,她已经学会了爱它,并把它称为永久的家.